Stick decided to come for a visit today. He hadn’t been in for awhile, I started to consider myself lucky. But today, he was angry and decided that I would be the one to hear his story. Stick is clearly upset that Tatiana refuses to date him. Keep in mind that Tatiana is 27 years old. Stick is in his 60s. Stick has a stupid hair cut. Tatiana is super cute. Stick has a fake tooth, Tatiana has all her real teeth. Stick, I think, is a pedophile. Tatiana is not. Obviously nobody would date Stick unless they were just as crazy as him.
Stick ordered his drink and then talked to me about how Tatiana lost. I wondered what Tatiana lost but I didn’t dare ask that question. I didn’t want him to continue, even though I was quite amused.
Stick: You know I just finished a job, 7.8 million, and now I am moving projects, this one will be 4.3 million.
Me: Congratulations. That means you can leave me a big tip
Stick: You know, Tatiana is really losing right now
Me: Really?
Stick: Yeah. You can tell her that she lost out
Me: Okay, I will make sure to let her know
Stick: I don’t get why she’s with that guy. He sags his pants
Me: Well, that’s what she likes
Stick: Tell her when she wants to get with a real man…
Me: I don’t think you can call yourself a real man
Stick: Well, tell her that she really lost. Look at me
Me: I am. She seems to be happy. I think you are more upset about this
Stick: No, she really lost
Me: Okay, well hopefully sometime you will find someone for you. Good luck
Stick: Even though I am changing jobs, I know where you are. I am right here with you sweetheart. Love you babe.
Then he kissed his hand and reached out and touched my forehead. I bet tomorrow I will have a huge pimple there. And he wonders why he doesn’t have a girlfriend? Maybe he should start by getting a better hair cut, then a complete attitude adjustment.