There is a man who is the supervisor of the area. I like to refer to him as Italian Stallion. Not really because he looks like an Italian Stallion but because he thinks he is one. Every time he comes into the caffe he tells me that he is Italian and he once was a flight attendant. I am not sure what this proves, but it must be something that I haven't yet figured out. Today, however, Italian Stallion came running in the caffe with a present for me. You know how I love presents. This present was a 2 pound box of chocolate truffles topped with a sparkly bow. Then he reiterated that he was a flight attendant for 20 years and how he knows women. Really knows them. Knows them so well that he said "there are 2 things that women love, chocolate and strawberries." In his mind, women cannot resist these things. Speaking personally, he is correct. But I have other friends who think otherwise. So I informed him "well, actually, I have some friends who don't like chocolate." He ignored this comeback and repeated that he was a flight attendant and gave all "his women" chocolate and strawberries for Valentine's Day. Then he informed me that he was allergic to strawberries. I responded with "sorry to hear that. My sister is allergic to raspberries." Then he continued "everything swells up when I eat them. EVERYTHING." I didn't respond. That unfortunately didn't deter him. "all the women threatened to feed me strawberries and hold me down just to see my _____ swell. They wanted to see how big it could really get." I tried to hide my face of total disgust but I wasn't too successful. All I could do was say "good thing I don't have any strawberries here."
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