Humpty Dumpty isn't one of my favorite stories but I still enjoy it as if it were. Sometimes I look at people and envision what they would be as animals. And other times, I picture them as foods that have legs and arms and maybe dance. There is a man who is a bit bigger on top and has these tiny stick legs. I like to picture him as an egg on toothpicks. On a good day, I see him as a muffin with dancing legs. This is a good thing because I can't help but smile every time he passes the caffe (and doesn't come in). Today, however, he had a change of heart and decided to come in. Instead of sitting at a table with chairs, he wanted to try the counter with the stools. I hear a crash, and down goes the stool. I immediately thought "humpy dumpty had a great fall." I expected to see him on the ground, but luckily it was just the chair. Unfortunately for him, I now like to quietly sing about humpty dumpy's great fall. It's too bad I don't actually remember how the story goes, only the part where he falls, so I just repeat that over and over again. Maybe sometime I will give him a performance while standing on a table. I think this is a good idea.
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