Another thing I love are massages. I can't get enough of them. Usually a massage for me consists of me leaning up against a chair or corner of a wall and trying to massage my muscles. This is the most discrete way to get a massage in a public place, in my opinion. It usually doesn't do that much but it's great to tell people, "oh yes, I just came from my massage." This is great because it is true and people won't question you and will assume you came from a spa. This gives you high-class. The way not to receive a massage is from a random stranger at the counter of a caffe when you are ordering your drink. Inappropriate. The "masseuse" looked like the crazy guy from the movie "The Wedding Singer." Then he told me that he could give me one too. Inappropriate. For the next 5 minutes I watched them animatedly talk about massages. I prefer my wall corner.
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