In order to be completely happy, one must hug at least 8 people a day. This is a proven point. I know this because I thought it up right now and it seems like a viable theory. In saying this, I decided to try and promote this theory. When I was out of something, like a pastry or bagel for example, I would give the customer in need a coupon. The customer of course was looking for a coupon for a free bagel or muffin, but instead I wrote, good for 1 free hug compliments of coffee princess. Sometimes they were confused, but when I put my arms out for their hug, they saw the light. Unfortunately, I only gave out 3 hugs today, but it made me happier than when I hugged nobody, so I can only imagine how one would feel hugging 8 people.
Then confused Gerbil #2 showed up. I didn't want to give him a hug. After talking about boxing for the hundredth time, he decided to mention to me that he used to write poetry for funerals. I don't see where the connection between poetry and boxing lies, but it must be there somewhere. I guess I should have given him a hug.
I'll try it but I may get punched by the fellows.