- elephants and mosquitos
- toothpick legs and egg-shaped bodies
- Transit Drivers and everybody else
Crazy bus driver came in today. He usually sticks to flipping his long gray hair like a girl at the counter, but today, he took it one step further. Today, he brought out a comb and began to brush his hair. This is quite disgusting. It was even more disgusting when I found his hair on the counter. While I was vomiting in my mouth he took the time to comment on my hat. My hat was an orange knitted hat with some flowers on it. I considered it cute. He called it sexy. I am not sure how a knit cap can be sexy, but he kept going. He then told me his whole heritage (knowing that I like foreigners) and asked me if it was enough foreign for me. He had me at Cherokee Indian.
Then I met a taxi driver minus a license. Not sure how this one works out but I am guessing in Ethiopia you must not need a license to drive a car. Sounds fun.
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