I maybe had a bit too much coffee. Or maybe I had not enough. One way or the other, I wasn't functioning on a normal level. All the police officers were sitting in the caffe enjoying their coffee and invited me to sit down with them. I resisted at first but then decided, this could be fun (after all, I still am working to get a badge). I brought over some boxes that I was supposed to collapse. With no fingernails it's a bit difficult to break down a cardboard box. That's when all the cops pulled out their knives. There are a few things I am scared of: snakes, guns, balding, and knives. Little cop was sitting next to me and told me to use his knife. So I did. And then in my slightly scared state, I hit my finger. I was hoping that it was with the butt of the knife so I quickly moved my finger underneath the table so I could look at it in private. I was hoping nobody would notice but the look on the cops faces made me realize that I probably did cut my finger. So I looked. And sure enough, sliced it right through to the knuckle. This was pretty gross. Good thing I was wearing a red shirt. Then little cop felt bad.
LC: I feel bad
Me: Well you should. It's your fault
LC: Maybe you should learn how to use a knife
Me: Maybe I should.
LC: I feel like I should take you out to dinner
Me: I feel like you shouldn't. Plus I only eat at Morton's steak house
LC: I guess I will have to work a little overtime
Me: Lots of overtime because I like to eat lobsters and steaks. I've got an appetite
LC: I really feel like I should take you to dinner. I feel so bad
Me: I think I've already been tortured enough for the night
LC: It's my last day here, you know? I'm really going to miss you
Me: Well, you can always come back. The caffe will still be here
LC: Yeah, but I'm going to have to start studying at the academy.
Me: Sorry I can't talk to you anymore. I've lost too much blood.
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