Today was the day of gifts. It wasn't exactly my birthday but I pretended it was. Nobody really knew that I was pretending but I secretly celebrated it in my head. In honor of my "birthday" I received some hand warmers. These warmers were from Panamanian Disguise. Normally I would love this gift because I'm always cold, but then Panamanian Disguise also called me his girlfriend at which I decided I didn't like receiving gifts from him. Fortunately, it was followed shortly thereafter by a bucket of popcorn from another customer. And I love popcorn so I was feeling pretty good. Then to finish off my day, I met a young man who had a similar background to myself. I was getting excited about this because I thought, hey, maybe this guy wants to be my friend. But then he asked if he could take me to coffee sometime. Newsflash sir Robin, I work in a coffee shop, don't really want to go to one for a date. But I still gave him my phone number.
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