Friday, November 6, 2009

the Homosexuals

I like to think that I am accepting of all people. I went to a school that was quite diverse in all sense of the word. Some people, however, are not aware that there are all different sorts of people in the world. This one person shall be called Bernard. I don't like that name unless it's prefixed with "Saint."
Bernard comes in a couple times a week and always orders an ice cream. Recently, he has started to order 2 ice creams and I can bet a plate of the best nachos that he eats them both. He is a very cynical older man and claims that everybody is rude in the city. I like to claim that they are only rude to HIM because he is rude. But I don't say that out loud in front of him.
Today, I was scooping his ice cream when he decided it was a good idea to start talking about "the homosexuals."

Bernard: The homosexuals are going to cease to exist
Me: What?
Bernard: In a few years, there won't be any left
Me: And who decided this? Hitler?
Bernard: No. I know this is going to happen. God would never allow it. You know, you're Muslim. They don't accept homosexuals.
Me: I'm not Muslim, and yes I do accept them. I have lots of friends who are gay
Bernard: That's disgusting. Well, God will have them wiped out soon. Moses didn't say anything about this in the Bible. People might as well start having sex with goats.
Me: Hmmmm, I don't really think that works that way. Seems to me you need to meet more people
Bernard: I don't need to meet any more people. They are all rude and horrible.
Me: Well, then I guess you are out of luck
Bernard: I lived with a homosexual once, and I know he wanted to have sex with me. So I told him that I wasn't going to have sex with me and then he tried to stab me with a knife.
Me: I'm sure that happened. Well, that's only one person.
Bernard: It's still disgusting
Me: The sun is coming out, maybe you should eat your ice cream outside

I think next week I will find a turban and wear it to work.

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