I love presents. Love love love them. They are one of my most favorite things in the whole world. I don’t even care if the present it wrapped. I consider presents to be similar to surprises so it rates very high on my personal scale of greatness. I used to stay awake on Christmas Eve so that I would be the first one to check out all the presents. I would wait for “Santa” to deliver and then check out the goods. Of course this got me into trouble one time when I realized that “Santa” had delivered only the presents and left the stockings. Then I heard my mother downstairs. As I was hiding behind a wall, I saw her fill the stockings. I realized that my excitement for presents could not be deterred whether Santa exists or not.
I must have shared my love for presents too much because today I got a lot of them for no apparent reason. First I got a trinket from someone’s trip to New Orleans, then a customer delivered me dinner, and by the end of the day, the same guy who gave me a taster of sake gave me an entire bottle. Amazing. What a great day. I wonder what my actual birthday will be like.
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