Jabron the janitor apparently has a music company. I did not know this. He is also apparently putting on a show, a huge show. Today he asked me to be a dancer in his shows. I am not sure whether to take this as an insult or a compliment. He himself, for sure cannot dance. He can't even stand his entire working shift, let alone bend down to pick up dropped garbage, so at least I know I am safe from viewing any "drop and lock-it" moves.
Once the hilarity of it passed, I realized that I was still in a state of shock. I didn't even bother to ask what kind of music would be playing. What I do know is that I will never hang out with Jabron outside of the caffe.
Jabron annoys the shit out of me! I can only deal with him in tiny amounts, which is why I'm glad I don't work in the mornings. I'd rather take my own garbage out, fer reals.