There were 2 good things that came out of today. A law suit and a fake Australian. These 2 perfectly represent the customers I have to deal with on a daily basis; angry or creepy. The combination ones are the best, they yell at you before they ask for your phone number all while wearing a wedding ring.
We sell doughnuts (obviously, since I am obsessed with them). We have 2 different kinds of doughnuts. One is a twist (valued at $1.20), the others are vegan doughnuts (valued at $1.65) so therefore more expensive. Senor cheapo got a ordered a vegan doughnut. Then he was angry about the .45 price difference. He proceeded to take a picture of the menu board and say how he was going to sue us. I wonder if he knows a lawyer costs more than .40?
Later in the day a man walks in. He looks similar to a cowboy, but one who has just come back from a football game at a trailer park. Before I even say anything he starts to tell me he is Australian. I notice, however, that he has no accent. He continues on to tell me that it was embarrassing for him to have that accent because nobody could understand him, so he lost it when he came to the US only a couple months ago. I told him that's impressive since it's hard to lose your accent where you are from. Especially after a long time speaking in that manner. I even went ahead and said "After a year and a half of living in Spain, I tried to lose my American accent but it was still there." He had no comment. But then he showed me his cowboy hat. Then he "proved" he was from Australia by folding up his cowboy hat and pretending to put it in his pocket. Apparently you can only do this in Australia. I didn't know whether to laugh or ask for the hat as a parting gift. And then he asked me if I had kids. That was quickly followed up with "do you have a boyfriend?" I wonder if he always asks those questions in that order? I guess Crocodile Dundee is not ready to be a father yet.
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