I decided this morning to wear a different t-shirt since the last one worked a little too well. This one today said, “I like my coffee sweet, my men rich.” I don’t quite agree with this one as much as the other but it works out pretty well. I don’t like my coffee that sweet, and a man with money is all right, unless he’s a stingy rich man, then that’s not ok. Once again, the first customer of the day decides to make his statement. Maybe he was too nervous to actually say anything yesterday, so today was his big day.
Customer 1: So yesterday, you liked your men foreign, today you like them rich, do you want one or the either, or are you looking for a rich foreigner?
Me: What would you like to drink today sir?
Customer 30: (A Lady from Jordan) Oh Honey, that’s right. You should always go for the rich ones. That’s the only way to go.
Me: Yes, my grandmother always said that too. She said First time marry for Love, 2nd time for money.
Customer 30: Your grandmother was right. Oh yes, you must marry for the money. That way if you don’t really like them, you can at least get them to buy you nice things
Me: Like a car?
Customer 52: (Ethiopian taxi driver who I previously hated) So do you like Ethiopian food?
Me: Yes! I love it. I don’t really eat it here though, but I love the spongy bread with the stews on top. And I also love eating with my hands
Customer 52: I can take you to Ethiopian Food sometime.
Me: Oh yeah, well I work a lot so I don’t really have much time for that.
Customer 52: Why don’t’ you give me your number and we can go get some sometime?
Me: That’s ok. I don’t give out my number
Customer 52: Do you have a piece of paper? I will write down my number for you and you can call me when you want to go to Ethiopian Food.
And that is why today has been so successful. Thank God for my shirt. Thank God for my God speech the other day by Customer 231.
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