Since I usually am bothered by the taxi drivers who all come in, I realized when 20 of them came in at the same time shouting orders, that I needed to handle this with a new approach. Since they are a bit obnoxious, I decided it would be smart to do the same back to them. So as they are shouting out their orders of coffees, lattes with only half a shot of espresso, and toasted bagels, I shout back to them wrong prices. It was really quite a fun game I had going. Then they started to argue with me and we all ended up laughing. After the whole block of them left, 5 more stragglers walk in. They are also obnoxious and keep wanting more punches on their punch cards. I said that I can’t punch their cards but I can do it imaginarily (not a real word in the English Language but it still sounds like it could be one). Then I get this brilliant idea about the punch cards (since that is their motivation). And I start to tell them that Thursdays if they come in at 2am, it’s five punch Thursdays. But only for the customers who come in at 2am. For every single drink they get, they get 5 punches. For some reason, unknown to me since this clearly makes no sense, they believe me, and I have them going for a good 10 minutes until they finally realize I am not open at 2am, nor ever will be, and that I am lying.
Luckily, they thought that was a funny joke I played on them and walked out laughing. I waved and pretended to give them fake punches on their card.
What a day!
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