There are some professions that just make a person sexy. Some of these categories are
- Athletes
- Musicians
- Bartenders
- Doctors (real ones and preferably wearing scrubs)
- Dancers
- Cristiano Ronaldo impersonators
- Actors on something other than a music video and soap opera
I like to imagine what peoples professions are when they order their coffee. It's sort of a fun game I play with myself, mostly in my head, and sometimes out loud. The ones I am really good at guessing are the construction workers, police officers, and the painters. The construction workers are easy to spot with their neon shirts. The police officers...well that's no surprise. And painters, usually they have on those special painting pants. Everybody else, I just stare and assume.
Today I pretended that a famous musician came in. He was older so I assumed he was probably in a rock band in the 70s. He wasn't really with it and had a hard time counting out his money. I assume this was the case because you don't really have to be smart to be a musician, just know how to play music. Then the part that really had me believe he was a musician was his long nails. I thought that I had only a few pet peeves; these being lazy eyes, guys who order girly drinks, and people who don't tip. But also, I hate long nails. Usually there is no excuse for long nails, especially on a guy, but because he was a musician in my mind, I allowed it. I asked him if he played guitar. He didn't. And then I realized that all his nails are long except for one, so guitar is out. Then I asked him if he played drums (without sticks). He didn't play drums either. I don't know any other instrument you need long nails for so I wonder what kind of musician he is anyhow? Clearly not a very good one if he can't even play an instrument.
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