Saturday, August 15, 2009


There are some things that call for celebrations. Some things meaning birthdays, getting a new job, winning a cool contest, eating the best tasting watermelon, and/or sleeping for over 24 hours. However, some things just have celebrations. The celebration that happened today was marijuana. Lucky for me, I got to see all the people celebrating weed. I prefer to celebrate the people not high and annoying. I tried to do just that but but then everybody was deciding to be crazy today.

High Customer #1: Comes into the caffe. Of course orders the largest white mocha. Then he adds a sandwich. Then a doughnut. Then also wants a cookie. Then a cup of ice cream. And finally throws in a bag of chips and a pack of gum. I thought, if everybody were high every day, then our business would be booming. If only...

Not High Customer #1: An older lady who comes into the caffe. Very excited to order some sort of espresso beverage. She starts off pretty well...a latte. Then she adds in some sugar free flavors, nonfat milk, and then continues to talk to me about diets. I don't have the heart to tell her that I don't care and also that I like to eat cookies and ice cream (sometimes even for dinner). Then she asks me if I know Bethany. I start to wonder if I SHOULD know Bethany. I say, I don't think so, who is she? Then I hear all about this Housewives of New York show and how Bethany has a diet plan. She, obviously, is following her plan strictly. Apparently she hasn't seen the results yet but she knows that soon it will happen. Then I heard all about her eating habits. I told her that she should probably drink more coffee because then she can at least get her digestive tract moving a lot faster. Then I waved goodbye to her and busied myself by sampling a doughnut.

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