Monday, April 13, 2009

Silver Fox

There is man. He is older. He doesn't have gray hair, it's more of a dirty brown (if brown can be dirty?). He usually wears a suit (a nice fitted one). He is known as Silver Fox. He doesn't know that but it's a little code name we give him. We referring to me and my sister.

He always orders the girliest drinks but that's ok because he's a silver fox. He used to order smoothies without the sherbet, didn't want the extra calories. I mean, when you are a silver fox you do have to protect the body, keep it in top form. Then he used to order soy lattes. Now that is a super girly drink. I say, if you can't drink milk and you are a man/boy/almost man, then just get an americano and suck it up. But Silver Fox is allowed to do those things.

So today he came in. I made him a "special" drink. We talked about future gifts he could get me, as the #1 barista and all. And then he walked out talking on his phone. But he did leave a 100% tip. So bye Silver Fox. Until the next time.

1 comment:

  1. My heart hurts. I miss his face. I miss listening to his buttery voice talking on his cell phone. I miss the way my heart would beat so fast out of my chest when he would walk through the door, and how I would have to hold ice chips on my wrists after he left just to cool down. Oh Silver Fox. There will always be a soy coconut latte for you in my heart.
