Monday, April 6, 2009

Hanging out Homeless

Homeless #2 thought it would be a nice idea to visit multiple times today. He even let his hair down like it was a special occasion. He’s got some Fabio locks going for him but more scraggly and also greasy since he isn’t showering that regularly. He apparently thought it was hilarious to have seen me out over the weekend. I too thought it was hilarious, not to have seen him, but that today he claimed to be “tight with the bouncer of the nightclub” and that is why he was hanging out outside. I would have thought the bouncer would have at least brought him a drink, or let him hang out where it’s warm, in the doorway at least. So then that got me thinking; Liars before Homeless, or do they become Liars after they are homeless? So now I refer to the many homeless people as either BH(before homeless) or AH (after homeless) depending on their signs, which is less offensive in my opinion. And he also still has his Jimmi Hendrix stick. I asked.

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