I woke up this morning tired. Then I had 3 shots of espresso. Still was feeling tired. I attempted to go for a bike ride. I use the word attempted because I can't honestly remember the last time I was on a bike. But I wanted to try because for some reason I have become obsessed with bike riding for the last 2 days. I was still tired after that and came to realize that I was just going to be that way all day. This would mean my patience level wasn't going to be very high. In order to have a successful work day I would need to pretend to be busy and/or have no voice so I would not have to deal with very many customers.
To start off the day...
I walk into the caffe and who is sitting there waiting for me? GoldTeeth!!!!!! I immediately ran behind the counter only to hear him shouting at me that he is so happy to see me and has been waiting for the last 30 minutes. I "get supplies" in the back and when I come back 20 minutes later, he is gone. I think I have done a good job avoiding him but then, he comes back. He never really has anything to say except now he asks me about going to Spain all the time.
GT: So when are you going to Spain?
Me: As soon as possible
GT: Awww baby, well hopefully you will go after I leave?
Me: I will hopefully go before you leave and also still be there when you get back
GT: Well what's holding you up?
Me: My job
GT: They work you too hard here.
Me: That's the life. Now I have 2 jobs and am working a good 60 hours a week
GT: That is too much. This boyfriend of yours needs to help you
Me: No he doesn't. And he can't. He lives in Spain remember. Plus I don't need help
Gt: Yes you do. A man should help his woman
Me: I don't want any help. I am not working this much because I am in desperate need of money. I am working this much because I'm getting real life job experience. This is called Independence. It is also known as "I am doing what I want."
GT: Do you have any kids?
Me: No. Are you serious?
GT: Well then why are you working so much? You need money? Why don't you leave that boyfriend and then we can go out.
Me: That would never happen
GT: Why not?
Me: Because I would never date you, even if I didn't have a boyfriend
GT: Why not?
Me: You're too old
GT: But that's good. You need an older man to help take care of you.
Me: I don't need to be taken care of. How old are you anyway?
GT: 54
Me: Yup, that's older than my dad. That's gross. You are 24 years older than my maximum dating age.
GT: Come on
Me: You're also ugly
GT: I know, I need to lose some weight.
Me: You need to do more than that. You can start by throwing out all your cut-off tees. And I prefer silver to gold by the way.
GT: Oh come on baby. I can leave you all my money when I die
Me: (there were so many good comebacks to that...) You have got the wrong girl
GT: Well you look busy so I will leave you alone today but I will come back to visit you again this week. My beautiful latte girl with those big brown eyes
Me: I'm getting colored contacts tomorrow...
To continue with my annoying day
Overtalker decided to come in just for a visit. I still can't figure him out. He obviously still can't figure out the meaning of customer service because he keeps trying to ask personal questions when I have a line of customers. Maybe it's a good thing he can't see the faces they are all making behind him?
And finally, on Saturday, I cancelled my date with Big Cop. I didn't want things to be awkward. I also wasn't interested. Today he didn't come into the caffe once. Then he finally showed up with all his other cop buddies and in his hand was a coffee from Krispy Kreme.
i am so happy I am not a victim of these wackos! sorry cupcake:(