I love rap music. I think it's the best. Some of my favorite artists are people like Lil Wayne, TI, T-Pain, and Fabolous. One time I thought I saw a man who resembled Lil Wayne. I quickly became obsessed and decided that instead of pointing at him all night, I must talk to him. And then I realized that he looked nothing like Lil Wayne, he only had the dreads, and I was very quickly disappointed. I am still recovering from the shock and it's been 7 months.
Since most older people I know (my mom and dad) don't like rap music, I assumed all older people don't like rap music. They prefer the oldies since they are oldies themselves. Today, that assumption was proved wrong.
A young man walks him. Let's call him Soulja Boy. He ordered a frappucino (the drink that all rap stars order). Then after he paid he said that when he makes it big in the music business, he will come back and give me a huge tip. The older woman behind him, who is around 70, asked him what he does. Then we found out that he dances like "Chris Brown" and "pops and locks." This older woman is very fascinated by this young boy and I am fascinated by all of this. The woman looks at both of us and says she loves watching hip hop dancing. And then she informs us both that her son is a hip hop artist. I love this woman and also maybe I love her son. I wanted to ask her if her son resembled TI but she was out before I could spit out the question. I'm preparing a rap and dance routine just in case she comes back.
I've had a few old people ask me about the music I play, and you know some of that shit is wack...well for your ears sometimes and some other older conservative customers. but lately so many old...like 70+ seniors would ask me who is on the radio because they think it's so great. tapping their feet to it and everything and it's on loud and they love it. I love those old people.