Man in the Panamanian Disguise came back today. I am starting to not like this disguise and usually I love all things Latin. Unfortunately he is not Latin, nor does he look it, and he definitely doesn't act Latin. Therefore, this disguise is not one of my favorites because I am not duped, not even from the beginning before he opens his mouth.
Once again he thought he was humorous. This time though, I didn't laugh. Not even a courtesy laugh.
Fat Panama: Heya
Me: hi. How's it going today
FP: Smashing
Me: That's great. I'm happy to hear your day is going so great
FP: You didn't ask me what I was smashing...
Me: No response
FP: You see, you should have asked me what I was smashing and then I would have told you something funny
Me: (No, you wouldn't have. Maybe we should stick to a 2 sentence limit from now on so pick wisely.)
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