Friday, September 11, 2009

Dating Customers

I try to have a general rule not to date any of my customers. Sometimes I break this rule but mostly I think it's a good idea. Sometimes when you date your customers these things can happen:

- they become obsessed with coffee and want to visit all the time (that is annoying)
- they become awkward and start buying their coffee elsewhere
- they stop tipping you and think inviting you to dinner is compensation enough
- they think they should receive free baked goods

Sometimes I wish that I could date my customers but then they are usually the ones who are married or are gay and therefore are not interested. Sometimes, people are confused by a little thing called customer service. They think it's flirting. It's not. And then sometimes awkward times happen.

Today, I got asked out by Big Cop. I tried to deflect the question so that things would stop being awkard (apparently, mostly for my own sake since he wasn't feeling awkward).

Big Cop: would you like to go out with me Saturday?

Me: I work Saturday

BC: Until what time?

Me: Late. Really late. I don’t get off until 10

BC: 10???????

Me: Yeah, at the earliest 9:30

BC: Well I can come in and kick everybody else. I can pick you up?

Me: I am not sure. I usually cancel on people whenever I make plans. I’m too tired trying to entertain people at work

BC: I know this place with great chocolate cake

Me: I will only go if we can put a candle in the cake to celebrate my sister’s birthday and also presents need to be involved.

In walks another customer…BC leaves and I think that I have done a good job deflecting the “ask-out.” But then 10 minutes later he is back

BC: I am serious about Saturday night

Me: Yes I know

BC: I wonder what it will be like to have an uninterrupted conversation with you

Me: Probably overwhelming. And we would probably continue to get interrupted. Crazy things like that always happen. So do you want a coffee this time or what?

Then he gets his coffee and leaves only to come back 5 minutes later.

BC: So can I have your phone number?

Me: No you may not

BC: That’s rude

Me: Yes. You can have it if you can guess it

BC: Are you serious?

Me: Dead Serious.

Then he guessed my number digit by digit. And now let’s see if things get awkward. To go out on Saturday or not? I’m not very interested. Although I do like chocolate cake…But he’s very cheap so he would probably not even let me get my own piece.

1 comment:

  1. I almost thought he was okay because of musical tastes....but he's back to being called the "prowler" for me...or "creepy stare guy."
