...and not the same kind of circus that Britney Spears sings about. It all started off with Judy (the pigeon-toed lady who works in the area). She comes rolling in with her rolly suitcase behind her and a fresh application of bright pink lipstick. As usually she repeated her order 3 times even though she never changes it and comes in every single day. This time, however, she really thought it was funny and started to laugh after she ordered it, making some joke about how she's already had one coffee today. I unfortunately couldn't laugh with her and her "joke" because I was distracted by the pink lipstick that wasn't on her lips and instead was coating her front teeth.
Then when she finally left, in walked in Antonio (the janitor) to inform me that I looked really "hermosa" yesterday. I didn't want to be rude so I said "gracias" and went back to reading my book. He didn't feel like stopping and decided to add one more comment. That comment was how he loves to see girls dressed "bien femenina." I started to wonder if he is often confused with men dressed as women, or if he sees a lot of women dressed as men. The life of a janitor...
Panamanian Disguise came in again. This is unfortunate to my mental health. But today he told me I looked like an Asian Princess. I am not sure how I did that, or why, or how he knows what an Asian Princess looks like, but I'll take it. I gave him a peace sign with his change to make sure he got the full effect.
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