Friday, May 22, 2009

Making Rules

It was really sunny today and so I was a little bit sad that I had to work. Because everybody else got to play in the sun, I decided that I was allowed to be sassier than usual. So in honor of this, I made special rules. I changed the rules every hour to keep it more interesting. Some of these rules included but are not limited to:

1) No drinks for people wearing black shirts
2) Anybody who orders a sugar free drink has to give me an extra .50 cent tip
3) If you mention the word foam you owe me a $1
4) If you're taller than me you have to order a black coffee

Some people didn't get the rules so I explained it to them more specifically. Some people thought it was great. Some people thought I had had enough caffeine for one day. And then one person (who I decided needed to have a yogurt and granola because he had a farmers tan) called me a "little shit." I laughed at him because that was funny. Then I said I would rather be called that than "explosive diarrhea" and smiled. Then he thanked me for his yogurt (which was delicious I presume) and told me to behave myself. You bet I will!

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