Monday, May 4, 2009

Kyle gets kicked out...then returns

I see some action going on down the street and then I see Kyle. Kyle is being escorted by the police away from the caffe. I think this is just great. I don't even look at him. But then 30 minutes later, Kyle is back without the police. (For the record Kyle is not homeless. He is just a bothersome, annoying teenager who tries to hastle people. Unfortunately I am included in that "people" and also stuck behind a counter so he knows he can come bother me as many times as he wants and I can't run away). He's wearing the exact same clothes as when I first saw him and admitted to not have taken a shower. Good thing I have a bit of distance from him because I bet he smells. Then he starts to inch closer. I start to get worried. What if I pass out? What if I punch him? What if he stays there and tries to talk to me?

And then he comes right up to the counter and this is what happens.

Kyle: Wow, it looks like you have a lot of tips. You going to give me a dollar?
Me: No. I work hard for my money. I'm definitely not going to give it to you.
Kyle: I also work hard for my money.
Me: No you don't.
Kyle: Yes I do.
Me: Oh really? Doing what
Kyle: Doing IT. Informational Technology
Me: I'm not a dumbass. I know what that stands for. So then where are you working?
Kyle: I'm working for Nintendo
Me: No you're not
Kyle: How do you know?
Me: Because my friend works there
Kyle: Your friend or boyfriend?
Me: It doesn't matter. What matters is that you don't work there. And also if you did, then you wouldn't be asking me for money.
Kyle: So you still have your boyfriend?
Me: Yes
Kyle: Where does he work?
Me: He's a prison guard.

Kyle then leaves the caffe. I am pretty happy about this answer. I mean, I would never date a prison guard but that's a fun answer to give.

Then Kyle came back into the caffe. I start cleaning. Then he asked me about the pastries

Kyle: So can I ask you a question
Me: Only if you really need to
Kyle: So this sign says pastries baked daily
Me: Yes.
Kyle: Where do the pastries go when you close?
Me: To a homeless shelfter
Kyle: Oh ok, so can I have one then?
Me: No. I'm not closed yet. And when I am closed, you still cannot have one because they go to a homeless shelter.
Kyle: So why can't you just give me one now?
Me: Because I can't. If you really want a pastry then you can either buy one now or go to the homeless shelter later.
Kyle: Fine

And then I wish I told him that next time someone asks him where he works, he should probably say Chuckie Cheese, not Nintendo.

Then Kyle came back AGAIN! I glared at him. Now I just need to find myself a real prison guard to take with me to work one day. I like that idea. Instead of bring your kid to work day they should have you bring a prison guard. I think everyone should know what it's like in the slammer.

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