Then Silver Fox walked in, looking good as usual. He started by purchasing an apple. Then by the end of our conversation he had bought a bag of nuts, a drink, and a cliff bar. I decided he's either trying to win my heart or I am a good salesperson.
I must have shared my love for presents too much because today I got a lot of them for no apparent reason. First I got a trinket from someone’s trip to New Orleans, then a customer delivered me dinner, and by the end of the day, the same guy who gave me a taster of sake gave me an entire bottle. Amazing. What a great day. I wonder what my actual birthday will be like.
Jean Claude: It’s perfect weather for a snuggie
Me: Oh my gosh! I have one of those
Jean Claude: Are you serious?
Me: Would I lie about that?
Jean Claude: Wow, I have never actually met anybody who owned one.
Me: Yes, I got one as soon as they came out
Jean Claude: That’s truly amazing. Do you actually wear it?
Me: All the time.
Jean Claude: You should wear it to work
Me: I will be more prepared next time you come in
So Jean Claude wins some points.
- Knew what a snuggie was
- Ordered a black coffee
- Sat in the caffe reading a book that wasn’t a comic book or Mens Health
- Tall
- Deep voice
- Not socially awkward
We’ll see what happens next time he comes in. Maybe he will give me another snuggie as a gift. Then I can wear one the right way, the other backwards, and have my whole body covered in a blanket but still be able to move my arms.
Stick ordered his drink and then talked to me about how Tatiana lost. I wondered what Tatiana lost but I didn’t dare ask that question. I didn’t want him to continue, even though I was quite amused.
Stick: You know I just finished a job, 7.8 million, and now I am moving projects, this one will be 4.3 million.
Me: Congratulations. That means you can leave me a big tip
Stick: You know, Tatiana is really losing right now
Me: Really?
Stick: Yeah. You can tell her that she lost out
Me: Okay, I will make sure to let her know
Stick: I don’t get why she’s with that guy. He sags his pants
Me: Well, that’s what she likes
Stick: Tell her when she wants to get with a real man…
Me: I don’t think you can call yourself a real man
Stick: Well, tell her that she really lost. Look at me
Me: I am. She seems to be happy. I think you are more upset about this
Stick: No, she really lost
Me: Okay, well hopefully sometime you will find someone for you. Good luck
Stick: Even though I am changing jobs, I know where you are. I am right here with you sweetheart. Love you babe.
Then he kissed his hand and reached out and touched my forehead. I bet tomorrow I will have a huge pimple there. And he wonders why he doesn’t have a girlfriend? Maybe he should start by getting a better hair cut, then a complete attitude adjustment.
The morning started off quite well and then the afternoon came around and all the fake veterans decided to come around. The best was a young man who looked like he had never gone through any sort of training in his life. He was also dressed up like a girl. He wanted a free latte so I asked for his Veteran’s card. Obviously he didn’t have one on him but he said he’d be right back with one. I waited but he never came back. Maybe he got lost trying to locate his Veteran’s card?
I have a married couple who are customers of mine and it seems that almost ever day they are getting drinks after work together. I think it’s really cute. I’m also jealous at the same time because I want to do that. I told them the other day that next time, I’m coming with them for a drink no matter what (I’m sure they wanted an extra daughter). Today, they showed up with a little surprise for me! I was so excited because I love surprises and this surprise was in a backpack! When they unzipped it, inside were 2 bottles of sake. No, they didn’t give me the 2 bottles but they took 2 small cups and poured me some so I could try both. I flashed them a quick peace sign before they ran off, and began my taste test. It was pretty amazing. I knew one day this job would lead me to drinking.
Chaz thinks that I am Italian. I let it go the first couple of times but after week 2 I realized that I should probably tell him that I’m not Italian so he can stop making Italian comments to me. I told him that I was Middle Eastern (big mistake) and immediately he assumed I was Muslim. I told him no, I wasn’t, but he kept telling me how Muslim people are the nicest people. Also Buddhist people. Then he ended by saying that he met a person with a Turban once.