Friday, June 12, 2009

A matter of Instances

Today people were really friendly. Maybe even a little too friendly. And some people were still just plain weird but I guess that's what makes the days go by.

Instance #1
Man walks in and walks up to the counter. Then he answers his phone and starts his conversation. I give him a stare down for a few seconds, then get bored so decide to do some other things. He finally hangs up the phone and of course orders one of the girliest drinks ever. The largest blended nonfat caramel frappe. Then he asks me if I have ever considered being a financial advisor. I answered no. Then I thought to myself that if I ever did consider it, I probably shouldn't mention my recent shopping activities which are probably not advisable. Then my thoughts were interrupted by him telling me that I should consider working for him. I thought it could be sort of cool but
a) I don't work for people who drink girly drinks (not even girls)
b) I don't work for rude people who talk on their phones and order at the same time

But then he gave me a nice tip, so maybe I should consider...

Instance #2
A woman orders a coffee. Then leaves. Then comes back. I think Oh no, something is wrong with her coffee. But then nothing is wrong with her coffee. She wants to know where there is a store that sells Crocs (those rubber shoes with holes in them).

a) Why would I know that? Do I look like I own a pair myself?
b) I don't think more people need to buy Crocs
c) I can't be held responsible for bad fashion

But then I thought maybe these shoes are special so I headed her in a general direction of where to find them. Maybe she will find a pair of cute shoes on her way.

Instance #3
My sister came to visit me at work today. We were both behind the counter helping people when a couple came up. Then they started to tell us about their sons. The lady mentioned her sons are SOOOOOOOO HANDSOME upward of 6 times. It was pretty funny. Then her husband pulled out his camera and showed us pictures of their sons. We both agreed, handsome, not 6 times handsome but maybe 2 or 3. And then they simultaneously decided that we should date their sons. I guess I could consider, but only if the parents come along too because they are funny.

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