Tuesday, June 16, 2009


As I'm headed to the back room to get a few supplies a man stops me. I am guessing he needs help. Usually that is the case even though I am not wearing a sandwich board that says information. So I stop and wait for the question. The question, however, is "do you speak Spanish." I answer yes, then he starts talking to me in Spanish. What he is talking to me about you might ponder. I can assure you, nothing good. Then he starts to tell me he is a singer and would love for me to listen to one of his songs. For love of the arts I say that when I am done and have a little break, I will listen to one song.

He's wearing MC Hammer pants. He is carrying an old fashioned discman. And he also has a large gold chain. Before I am ready to listen to "his" music, he tells me that he is a romantic. Surprising, I think. But he keeps going. How romantic he is and how I will see it in his music. Then he says that once I fall in love with his romantic words, we can get married immediatlely, afterall he is free tomorrow for a short ceremony.

So I listen to a song, mostly out of curiosity. I am waiting for some Spanish love song. Instead I get some reggaeton. If romance means "slapping a girls ass" then he really is romantic. And for some reason the rest of his band is in New York. He likes to travel alone and sell the Cd's. And the singer sounded like Akon. So I had him sing for me, and he sang a quick 5 seconds and then trailed off. I wished him luck in his music career. And now I wonder if he knows Russian since they both seem to be signing big record deals at the same time.

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