Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bloody Heel on Father's Day

Father's Day is a very special day. I like to pretend that I celebrate it as well. People always look confused when I say this, but they never question, so I consider that ok to do.

So, I'm enjoying the holiday wishing people a happy day when all of a sudden, terror hits. This terror involves the push cart. The push cart decided to attack. The person it attacked was me. It got me right on the back of the heel. The cart has done this to me multiple times, it always hurts, but usually no problem. This time, however, was completely different. This time, it decided to rip off the back of my skin so I had a little blood issue. I tried to cover it up because who wants to be served coffee by someone with a bloody heel? Not me, that's for sure. First I tried paper towels. Then it wouldn't stick. So then I tried wet paper towels. But that wasn't working either. Mostly because for some reason, people were drawn to the white paper towel stuck to my leg. Then I tried limping (just because). And then I found a bandaid and we solved the problem. Potential disaster destroyed (PDD). And Father's Day was saved!

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