2) Panamanian Disguise gave me another present. Among the shirt, loofah, place mat, and hat, today he brought me jicama. I asked for steak and lobster. I think jicama is pretty close, especially when topped with a lime.
3) I get a phone call at the caffe 30 minutes after I closed. This person wanted cannolis. I told them that I had already closed. That didn't matter to them because they REALLY wanted the cannolis. I, being in a nice mood, told them that I would hold off on closing out the register and make them their cannolis. Though I was trying to be nice, I also thought this would mean a big tip. I made the guy 6 cannolis, then he paid with a credit card. I looked at the receipt...no tip. I was about to be pissed but then I saw him reach for his wallet. I thought I would be getting at least a fiver. But then instead of money, he handed me his business card, "owner of a luxury car service." And instead of any sort of tip, he said "here, let me give you my business card. Why ride in a taxi when you can go in a Mercedes or jaguar?" He better have meant I would be getting a free ride to somewhere far away.
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