Saturday, February 20, 2010


There are lots of things the caffe sells. There are lots of things any caffe sells, and these things usually fall all into the same genre. Pastries such as scones, muffins, croissants, and cinnamon rolls. There are even desserts like cookies, donuts, and cakes. If you are hungry, there are more savory options as well. These tend to be more on the "elegant" side of things like little sandwiches, quiches, etc. We, on the other hand, like to be different in that we also sell hot dogs. I suppose one might assume we also sell cheeseburgers, but that is wrong. We do not and will not sell those ever.

A lady came in today. She looked a bit frazzled. I thought she was talking to me at first, but then I realized she was talking to herself. I didn't question it since I get these kinds of people a lot. She starts to talk to me about a football stadium, nothing about the sport, just the stadium, and then orders an ice cream. I scoop it and hand her a cup of ice cream when she starts to act completely absurd. She can't find her wallet then takes out a little key and starts trying to "unlock" her purse. I am not sure she understood the concept of a purse and that one usually is not locked. Maybe a suitcase, but definitely not a purse. Once she figured out the key wasn't working, she asked if she could just come back and pay me another time. I'm sorry lady, but I don't think that's how a business works. And then she told me that she would like a cheeseburger at the stadium. I told her I'm sure she could find a cheeseburger there. She looked at me, proceeded to put on bright red lipstick, and then walked off talking about her cheeseburger.

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