Me: I'm impressed with your ability to wear short sleeves in such weather.
Sven: Yes. It's because I have started to work out
Me: Oh that's great. I guess working out will make you hot
Sven: I've started to run, getting myself into shape
Me: I think it's an excellent plan
Sven: It's hard to run with my backpack. Especially with my computer
Me: Yes, I would agree
Sven: I'm also trying to eat healthier. It's my New Years resolution
Me: I always forget to make those. I think you're doing a great job on eating healthier.
Sven: Thanks. I feel good.
Me: When you get a 6-pack, let me know. I'll tell you my evaluation of it.
5 minutes later...
Me: Hey Sven, do you want to try a little bit of a milkshake
Sven: Sure
Me: Do you like coffee though?
Sven: Not really. (after a comment like that, how he first decided to come into the caffe, I have no idea)
Me: Well, it's an espresso milkshake but it's not that strong
Sven: Wow, this is delicious
Then the next day guess who ordered an espresso milkshake instead of the usual banana and yogurt? Oops. And he got it with whipped cream.
Speaking of breaking diets, poor Shoniqua hasn't been able to keep hers for even a day. Those damn cobbler bars.
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