Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I decided it would be a good idea to bring my laptop to work today. I thought I could be productive and do some side-work. Make the customers think I am a seriously big deal. But then someone had to walk in and order a toasted bagel. And then as I pushed down that toaster button, I flipped a cup of water and it landed right onto my poor computer. I thought it would be ok, but then it wasn't. I tried to write in code (without vowels but punching in the letters that were next to the ones I actually wanted to use) but that didn't seem to go over too well either. So after I discovered I couldn't afford to fix it, I decided to set it up like a laptop/desktop. When you have one of those these are things you have to do:
- Carry around an external keyboard
- And also an external mouse
- Sit at a big table or push two little tables together so all your electronics fit
- Laugh at yourself
- Have other people laugh at you
- Deal with Jealous people who are jealous that you have both a laptop and a desktop all in the same thing

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