Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How do you spell akward backwards?

You might have thought that backwards was awkward backwards, but it's not. That would be quite neat if it were, but the world doesn't always work that way. drawkwa is actually the correct way to do it. Not so pretty looking but much more fun to say. I think that should be my new question to every person who puts me into an awkward situation.

1) Gold Teeth Returns yet again. He stormed in then shouted "I came all this way to see my beautiful brown eyed girl." Then all the customers looked at me. Also because he is the age of my grandfather. I tried to deflect that comment by completely ignoring him. But then he kept talking. It was amazing. He went on for 10 minutes straight. I laughed behind the espresso machine the whole time. I heard about his day, then about his week, then he told me what he was going to do for the rest of the week, then for the weekend. He kept adding in "yeahs" which only made it take longer, AKA more enjoyable. I told him that I was going to leave for Spain on vacation sometime. Then to make things more awkward, he offered to buy my ticket if I hadn't already, then said he would come along too because he loves to vacation in Spain. A little old woman walked in at this point, had a look of shock on her face, I gave her a knowing nod, then tried to continue with my day. Gold Teeth, however, doesn't know when to shut up. Then he asks for my sign. I say Pisces. He says "Oh yeah, that's a good one, that's a real good one. That's the fish right?" Then he tells me he's the one holding the sword. I can't remember what that sign is. But I said "Oh yeah, that's a real bad one, horrible actually." Somehow he thought that was funny. But it only took another 5 minutes to get him out of the caffe. I think that I might be getting another future visit from him. Maybe I should paint my teeth silver and tell him that I only talk to people with similar teeth color.

2) Stick came in towards the end of the evening. I call him stick because he is named after one. I just have more fun calling him stick. I think he really enjoys it too. The top of his hair is also cut like someone placed a sponge on the top of his head. Sometimes I get the urge to just pet it, or balance a latte, but I have done a good job resisting so far. He is already awkward. Then I put my hand out (after giving him his drinks) to pick up the trash he left on the counter. Then he immediately put his drinks down, and shook my hand and said "I'm Stick, what's your name?" Apparently he has had other baristas shake his hand from behind the counter...
Awkward Stick. Totally Awkward

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