Friday, July 24, 2009

Gold Teeth returns Part III

It's quite busy today. I even dare to say that I am getting a little sweaty trying to pump out as many blended drinks and ice cream cones, but like most girls, I will call it glistening because that sounds more attractive. Today would have been a great day for:

1) air conditioning
2) An alcoholic beverage
3) Nice customers

However, I had none of those. Instead I had quite the opposite.

1) A younger man brought in a reeses peanut butter cup and asked me to blend it in with his ice cream. At first I wanted to tell him that he can go to McDonald's a short walk away and get a mcflurry. Instead, I thought, ok, be nice, YOU know you don't work at an ice cream shoppe, not everyone is as clever. I finally get his imitation McFlurry ready and hand it to him. Then he hands me exact change and asks for an ice water as well. Rude

2) The espresso machine and ice cream machine and pastry display case spurt out hot air all day. Rude

3) A "softer" woman walks by wearing tie-dye pants and a loose fitting bikini top. Rude! And also gross

4) A soft talking man kept talking to me about agave syrup and napping. Fascinating. I only wish I had had more time to hear more about these two things

5) Veronica (we'll call her) comes in as usual with her reverse mullet and gets a juice. As usual I ask her how her day is. As usual she tells me it sucks and thank god it's the weekend. Then she tells me about getting paid overtime and how all the people in her way suck. Have a nice day Veronica!!!!!!!!

And for the grand finale...

Gold Teeth!
He returned to tell me that I gave him the wrong number again. I believe this is the 3rd time I have given him the wrong number. Most men give up after the 1st time. Why he keeps trying is beyond me. Again he ordered a drink for himself and told me that he will buy me whatever I want. I repeated that I can get whatever I want and he doesn't have to pay for it. Then he told me that he almost didn't come in since I gave him the wrong number, but he wanted to check just to see if I would be there, then surprise me. Then he sat and stared for a good 45 minutes. Asked me if I liked his beard. His beard is in the shape of an upside down triangle and gray. I told him that it's nice but he should grow it out to his knees and then tape it on the top of his head since he is bald. I personally thought I was being rude. He thought it was funny and laughed really loudly for a really long time. Then he asked to buy me something. Then I said I didn't need anything. Then he informed me that his feelings get hurt when I don't accept his money. Next time, I will tell him to just tip me the price of a drink and so he can stop feeling bad, another $50 would be nice. If his reaction is good, I might even throw in that he can go pick me up a japanese soup bowl.

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