The man that I love so much came in today again. By love so much, I really mean the man that grosses me out so much. He was wearing his usually white crisp shirt and khaki pants. However, he doesn't use his pants pockets but uses his waistband and his shirt instead. So he has his shirt unbuttoned and stuffed with lots of papers and maps, and other random things that I try not to see. Usually his pants are falling down because of all the things he puts in them. His pants today, however, were holding up a little better. I was thinking he must have gotten new suspenders.
So Charlie (that's his name for the day) came in and sat down. He didn't order anything but I was giving him time. Then I gave him about 10 minutes and he shouts to me
Charlie: Hi!
Me: Hi. How are you?
Charlie: Fine
(5 minute pause)
Charlie: (with a piece of cloth between his fingers) Look at my puppet.
Me: Wow, cool. That's a nice puppet. What's its name?
Charlie: Her name is Priscilla
Me: (of course her name would be Priscilla...that's fairly normal) Is Priscilla talking to you?
Charlie: ONLY TO ME. Priscilla is my puppet
Me: Well, Priscilla is a really nice puppet
(10 minutes later)
Charlie comes up to the counter because he wants to get an ice cream. When it's time to pay, he takes quite a long time to come up with his money. Then he looks at me
Charlie: My rattle gets in the way
Me: Why do you have a rattle?
Charlie: For my puppet
Of course he would have a rattle for his puppet. Of course I would get to meet his puppet. Next time I am going to make my own puppet out of a pastry bag and take his order as Pablo the puppet. I think he will like that.