He came in and sat down. I immediately made myself extremely busy in the area that was furthest away from him. After I completely ignored him for half an hour, he got up and left to my amazement. I started to think, "wow, this guy is finally getting it. I am not interested."
I was feeling pretty good about everything and then a pregnant lady walked in. Usually I think being pregnant is very cute. This lady, on the other hand, was not at all cute. To use the words spastic would be putting it nicely.
Preggers: Do you know the number for Greyhound?
Me: No. Sorry.
Preggers: Look at me. I bought a $4 popcorn. I paid $4 for this
Me: That's a bit steep. Sorry. At least you have popcorn though
Preggers: I don't even want it. I should have bought the $3 popcorn, but now I have to eat all of this
Me: I bet you can save some for later
Preggers: I'm a mess. I paid so much money for popcorn that I don't even have. And I'm pregnant
Me: Sorry
Preggers: And I'm leaving my boyfriend. He got me pregnant. I'm having his baby. But I'm leaving him
Me: Oh
Preggers: Should I leave him? What should I do? This is my only baby I'm going to have and it's his. I only want one baby
Me: I have no idea. You should be treated well
Preggers: I keep hoping he will show up running after me, but he won't. I have to leave him. He got me pregnant. I'm having his baby!
Me: I'm really sorry. I hope things work out
Preggers: And I paid $4 for this popcorn!! Do you think I can catch the greyhound in 30 minutes?
Me: Lady, I have no idea. I wish you the best of luck
Preggers: I can't believe this. I'm leaving my boyfriend and I'm pregnant! But I love him. He's the father of this baby!
All I know is that if that's how people get when they are pregnant, I am in absolutely no rush.
lol thats pretty funny.