I thought that my awkward days were over, but I was wrong. I was working on my computer and trying to look as involved in my work as possible. This didn't seem to phase the police officer who kept standing at the counter just watching me. No, he didn't want a coffee. He just wanted to stand there and try to make conversation. I knew I was doomed after he told me he had no friends. For the time being, we will call him Phoenix.
Phoenix: What are you doing?
Me: I'm working. What are YOU doing?
Phoenix: I'm bored
Me: Shouldn't you be doing work too?
Phoenix: I thought I would come over and say hi. Try to make some friends
Me: Hi. I'm trying to apply for jobs. You have a whole world out there to make friends with
Phoenix: Oh! What kind of jobs?
Me: All sorts. I never have time to do it so it's nice right now
Phoenix: Yeah, I know how that goes. So what kind of jobs?
Me: Something creative
Phoenix: I used to write poetry
Me: Fascinating. Then write me a poem
Phoenix: Maybe
Me: Well, it's my birthday soon, so why don't you go think about a poem and get back to me when you finish it
Phoenix: What are you working on right now?
Me: A book
Phoenix: That sounds cool.
Me: Maybe you should go try to write a book and make friends at the same time
Phoenix: How am I supposed to meet people? It's hard
Me: You have to do stuff to meet people
Phoenix: Like what?
Me: Anything...volunteer, sports, at your JOB
Phoenix: Nobody wants to hang out
Me: I wonder why...
Well Phoenix, good luck with that. Maybe if you didn't bother people when they are trying to work, you would have an easier time trying to make friends.
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